Was There Nothing Before the Universe?

There could never have been a time at which nothing existed. If there was never a time at which nothing existed, then it's not the case that "once there was nothing, and then there was something". Atheists are not forced to explain how something can come from nothing, because nothing never existed.

Dice Don’t Prove God: A Response to a Fine-Tuning Argument

After browsing YouTube a bit, I found a video with an impressive 2 million views that claimed that dice show that God must exist. Naturally I was very sceptical of this claim, but I decided to give it a watch anyway. The video presented a version of the "fine-tuning" argument, but made a number of mistakes and logical fallacies along the way.

Brief Answers to the Big Questions – Stephen Hawking

Brief Answers to the Big Questions is a wonderful collection of the late Stephen Hawking's musings on the "Big Questions". Not everyone will agree with all of his views, but it's difficult not to be inspired by the cosmic journey Hawking transports you through, and the heartfelt optimism he has for the future of humanity.

Conjuring the Universe Review

In my review of his book, I will argue that Atkins walks a thin line between established scientific fact and wild speculation, but that he does so in an engrossing and ultimately plausible way. He certainly doesn't establish that the universe can arise from nothing, but he convincingly argues that there's no reason why it couldn't. 

Conjuring the Universe – A Book Review

In my review of his book, I will argue that Atkins walks a thin line between established scientific fact and wild speculation, but that he does so in an engrossing and ultimately plausible way. He certainly doesn't establish that the universe can arise from nothing, but he convincingly argues that there's no reason why it couldn't. 

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