Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar

Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar is a delightful little book that generates the "a-ha!" moment of understanding philosophical concepts through jokes. The central premise of the book is that philosophy and jokes both "tease the mind in similar ways".

Introducing Plato’s Library!

I've seen a lot of accounts on twitter, and instagram that write weekly book reviews, but they tend to focus on fiction. There are so many fascinating books on science and philosophy that expose mind-bending ideas and truths about our world, so I thought it would be a great idea to start writing some reviews of them!

Many Worlds? Do they Exist?

Many Worlds theory is undeniably a serious academic field, yet most know very little about it other than that it claims there are more worlds than this one, and that it has something to do with quantum theory. I hope you will enjoy learning a bit about what this theory is and why it deserves to be taken seriously.

Conjuring the Universe Review

In my review of his book, I will argue that Atkins walks a thin line between established scientific fact and wild speculation, but that he does so in an engrossing and ultimately plausible way. He certainly doesn't establish that the universe can arise from nothing, but he convincingly argues that there's no reason why it couldn't. 

Conjuring the Universe – A Book Review

In my review of his book, I will argue that Atkins walks a thin line between established scientific fact and wild speculation, but that he does so in an engrossing and ultimately plausible way. He certainly doesn't establish that the universe can arise from nothing, but he convincingly argues that there's no reason why it couldn't. 

Does Order Require an Orderer?

A painting requires a painter. A building requires a builder. Creation requires a creator. Order requires an orderer. "On an atheist's worldview" - the theist claims - "how can there be order in the universe? How can a random, unintelligent explosion produce an ordered universe?"

Atheism of the Gaps

I think that "atheism of the gaps" is a legitimate fallacy, but not one that atheists often make. I think this term has the annoying potential to be thrown incorrectly at atheists if it starts becoming mainstream.

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